Exit from Brexit – still possible

A Letter to the Citizens of the United Kingdom


Our dear Friends in England, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall,  Northern Ireland and all other Regions on the other side of the Channel,

as 2017 is approaching its end and 2018 is dawning, we are still hoping for the UK Citizens to find a  possibility for ‚Exit from Brexit‘!  We are quite optimistic, as the latest opinion polls have distinctly shown that meanwhile a majority of you are in opposition to Brexit. Maybe this had been the case previously, too, as a referendum is only a snapshot in time and not all are taking part in it.

In unison not isolation

My wife knows and appreciates  your country since her schooldays and I do so at least for 40 years! Even back in 1972 not everywhere in Britain people were enthusiastically in favour of a EU membership – at least we noticed this in talking with people back then. And over here, too, we do have the same feeling: Not all of the former European Community’s or the today’s European Union’s  procedures really satisfy us. But isn’t this the case in every club ?

We firmly believe that upcoming problems can be solved better in a joint effort, together with you, the Citizens of the United Kingdom !

When those discussions on migration and other issues were going on, your former Prime Minister David Cameron fought for a „New Settlement“ for Britain in Bruxelles from 2013-2016. We had hoped for more flexibility on behalf of the EU-Commission. But is the UK‘s solo-action the appropriate answer now?   Of course, this is only for you to decide, the UK voters!  From our point of view Prime Minister Theresa May has not yet pointed out a viable, sound road into the future. And on this side of the Channel – we are sad to say – we are definitly missing any clear and distinct statements, too:  Neither German Chancellor Angela Merkel nor French President Emmanuel Macron, nor Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU-Commission’s President, have definitly declared the European Union‘s gates still widely open for the UK. They prefer talking on the strict procedures of BrExit instead of its prevention !

During 2017 we repeatedly drove by a “street-art“-masterpiece with which Banksy had graphically upgraded the bare side of a building just outside Dover Ferry Port, thus politically charging the debate on Brexit: a ‚political craftsman‘ on his tall ladder is eliminating one star of the 12 on the Flag of Europe. And when, only a few minutes later, you are boarding the ferry to the continent, you have the strong feeling of wanting to go back, tear the craftsman down his ladder and replace the star. Europe needs a reformed EU with our British neighbours as an important member. (picture: Ulsamer)

Brexit:  No problems solved

The very close-knit economic relations between our countries will suffer in any case from Brexit and this will only lead to more problems instead of more prosperity. Both, Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker, have stressed in their ‚Joint Report‘  that a ‚hard border‘ between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would be avoided, but even here any concrete proposal is missing. We are totally sure that we are all of the mutual opinion that rekindling the conflict in Northern Ireland, that had taken a heavy toll on human lives, has to be prevented by all means.

Brexit raises the issue of Scotland remaining in the UK, too. Again, all kinds of problems will be generated by a Brexit and nothing would be solved. At the moment we are noticing a further demand for autonomy not only in Scotland but in Catalonia, too. And we do hope for an intensive dialogue that would be much more important than threatening attitudes.

Without your country, the EU would become much weaker with respect to Foreign Policy and Defence. But the United Kingdom on the other hand cannot go on relying on its special relationship to the United States, especially so with a US-President called Donald Trump.  United we would be much stronger by all means.

Aren’t we used to the freedom of travelling within the EU, too? Of course we will have to do a lot more to secure our countries‘ external borders !  And we will have to prevent criminals and terrorists from obstructing and exploiting our civil liberties !  Again, only a close-knit unity will help here. Migration within the EU can only take place in the employment market and not into the Social Security Systems.

Churchill in favour for Europe

We do know that some statements of your  important Prime Minister and appreciated Man of Letters, Sir Winston S. Churchill, had a certain influence in the first referendum debates and EU-opponents gave credit to him, too. But as we estimate him as a sound pro-European, we would like to quote from his note to Anthony Eden, his Foreign Minister, in October 1942: „I look forward to a United States of Europe, in which the barriers between the nations will be greatly minimised and unrestricted travel will be possible.“ And in May 1948, on the occasion of a speech in Holland he declared: „We cannot aim at anything less than the Union of Europe as a whole, and we look forward with confidence to the day when that Union will be achieved.“  In his famous speech in Zurich in 1946 Churchill had already inspired a european association, emphasising the fact that for him a unification would be worth striving for.  We should walk in his footsteps together –  in unity !

When we both published a book on  „Scotland, North Sea Oil and the British Economy“  back in 1991 we would have never thought  a socalled Brexit an option that is on the agenda now. But we firmly and ‚stubbornly‘  believe that nothing is yet lost !  Thus, after a controversial debate, your House of Commons decided that all Brexit negotiation results have to be ratified by Parliament. It seems to be far better to participate in the European decision making instead of only being able to react on it.

Stonehenge is not only an UNESCO World Heritage site but also a very early proof of some common bonds within Europe. Not only people from all over Britain created this marvellous work of art some 4000 years ago, but also roaming journeymen from the Alps came as far as the Salisbury Plain, which has been proved by a modern analysis of the „Archbury Archer’s” dental enamel. (picture: Ulsamer)

Dear Friends, stay within the Union !

We would like to encourage you all to speak up for staying within the EU and be committed to the ideals  (not all the measures !!)  of the European Union. Political decisions are not made to last until doomsday, which could become true for the first referendum, too. Today more and more information is revealed and it becomes quite obvious that Brexit brings about only losers.  Isn’t it time for exit from Brexit ?

We do hope that your country with its many different and most interesting regions will stay a part of the European Union. By means of your long democratic history, your expertise in Foreign Policy and with your sceptical questions towards the EU-Commission, please, contribute to a sound reformation of the EU and help to secure Europe’s  position in future.

United we will proceed much better!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Yours sincerely

Cordula Ulsamer  and  Lothar Ulsamer



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